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City in southwest Belarus, famous for its fortress at the start of the Great Patriotic War. It has been suggested that its name derives from the Lithuanian word 'brasta'.

Recent city comments:

  • former Warburg Colony, yogi555 wrote 3 years ago:
    The site of the former Warburg Colony. The last building of the colony was pulled down in 2016. Today there is a supermarket Martin Inn on the site and several residential houses are being built. The construction site is closed for visiting.
  • Gunpowder bunker, Valik (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    По состоянию на 22.10.2017 - Огражден и наглухо закрыт.
  • Marketplace, yogi555 wrote 13 years ago:
    the marketplace was built in the 1970s
  • East Fort, yogi555 wrote 13 years ago:
    it's more correct to call it the East Fort, as it is mentioned in Wikipedia's article about the Brest Fortress
  • Ploska cemetery, ltlf wrote 13 years ago:
    Кладбище "Плоска"
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